First you gotta buy a Philly Blunt Cigar at your local Gas Station or 7-11
Second unroll the plastic wrapper and lightly moisten the entire outside of the cigar with your saliva by licking the cigar. Then split it down in a middle line, by applying excessive amounts of pressure EVENLY on each side of the cigar, so it splits right down the middle, perfect.
Now that you have it split, IMMEDIATELY lick the sides of the Philly so that the outer leaf DOES NOT SEPARATE from the inner cigar leafs. So that it ends up looking like the image below:
Then you seal it closed and you got this:
Figured I would post this since the audience demands it, haha, if you all want anything else posted up on this blog, leave some comments!!!
~ be good
yo kid that blunt don't look to nice i mean you can roll but that bitch is loose
yeah man, dam what you trying to roll a piece of shit??
tht shit looks like a turd
yo kid you good but that shit look like it's loose a you don't need 2 lick it all wet like that.It's not a pussy men roll like you love it then you can roll!!!!
that looks like shit you should be embarrased. I could do better with my eyes closed
you completely did it wrong im from nyc and youd get your ass kicked if you rolled that at a party my man you need to unwrap the outer and tear off paper from the inner so you dont smoke all that leaf then you roll a loose inner and you put it down on a table and lick the outers inside and roll it mad tight trust me if you got high off this piece of shit then a nyc blunt will get you madhigh
HOLY SHIT its like square. Phillys suck anyway but gotdamn that's a fucked up looking blunt.
thats the worst fuckkin blunt ive ever seen, i roll mad blunts all day everyday and that shit u rolled is mad fucked up...u didnt tuck it in or even roll it...u just folded it over and licked it shut...go learn how to roll a blunt before showing pics of that u should be slapped
tighter rolls + less leaf = a happier chest and less throat burn.
no wonder you say you feel like shit
okay.. i have several problems with this
you didn't take off cancer paper.. you dont need that mouth piece make your own by rolling that end of the blunt tighter... its way to loose as if you just folded it and that was it
That could be the worst blunt I've ever seen. My man from nyc knows what the deal is.
Give the guy a break I think he was just high and trying to show people who don't know not the guys that have been rolling for years
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